The word destination says so much—sun & sand, carefree days, rest, adventure, and time away from the day-to-day. But, if you take the word destination and add wedding it says so much more! At Enduring Promises, we understand that destinations are about the journey and the memories. Let us help you on your way to a hassle-free destination wedding. Here is some advice to make your destination wedding legal!

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Making your destination wedding legal in another country isn’t as easy as picking an Officiant. Every country has its own legal requirements. Involving paperwork requiring your birth certificate, medical records, letters of intent, proof of residency, and (in some cases) blood tests.
Keep in mind that if you would like a religious/spiritual wedding, the religious organization may have its own requirements needed in advance of your ceremony. In some countries, your religious/spiritual wedding may not be legally recognized unless it is combined with a civil ceremony.

Obtaining a marriage licence, applying for your marriage certificate, and changing your name all require different applications.
Depending on the country in which you marry, you may need to hire the services of a translator, adding an unexpected element to your special day. Cancellations from service providers do happen from time to time.
Make sure you know all the requirements (well in advance) so you have enough time to get everything together, and in motion before you arrive.

HASSLE-FREE DESTINATION WEDDING: Enduring Promises offers our Mobile Ceremony package that is easy to slip into your suitcase!
If you have a destination wedding in mind, we would be honoured to come alongside you, taking care of the legalities for free. When you purchase our Mobile Ceremony package, we will work with you to create a personalized ceremony, unique to you! This will help in making your destination wedding legal and take away any stress.

How does it work?
To make your destination wedding legal, we will legally marry you before you leave. Omitting the different requirements for legal/ religious/spiritual marriage in other countries. With your special destination in mind, you will create a personalized, just-for-you, wedding ceremony with the help of an Enduring Promises Officiant (of your choice) and our wedding portal.
You choose a loved one to perform the wedding ceremony, and we will spend time coaching them, before you leave, using the ceremony you created. (No guessing who would otherwise perform the ceremony or need the aid of a translator at your wedding.) We are here for you and always ready to help, only a text or phone call away. Our Mobile Ceremony is a beautiful way to add a little extra meaning and love to your memorable day!
P.S. If you’d just like to take care of the legalities before you leave, we’d be happy to help with that too!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Annette Marchant is a copywriter and homebody from Calgary. She writes—and is a happy contributor to this blog. Her love of words is fueled by black tea and a great set of headphones. Her home is filled with boys and one of them is an Officiant with Enduring Promises.

This article on making your Destination Wedding Legal is Featured in the Fall/Winter 2021 issue of The Wedding Ring Magazine
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ENDURING PROMISES | To speak with Enduring Promises about your wedding options, you can reach them using the form below.